Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan

Page Charge for papers submitted by authors who made presentation at 23rd Annual Meeting of MRS-J (December 2013, Yokohama, Japan) on the same subject:

Page charge in this case is shown in Table 1. This must be paid by paper’s corresponding author following publication. This charge includes (1) PDF file of the paper, (2) 25 reprints of the paper, and a copy of the issue, which will be sent to the paper’s corresponding author following publication.

If the paper is a review paper submitted by Invited speaker, then the page charge is free. If the paper is submitted by recipient of “Award for Encouragement of Research in Materials Science,” page charge is reduced and is shown in Table 2.

Page Charge for regular papers

Page charge for regular papers is shown in Table 1. This must be paid by paper’s corresponding author following publication. This charge includes (1) PDF file of the paper, (2) a copy of the issue, and (3) 25 reprints of the paper, which will be sent to the paper’s corresponding author following publication.
Table 1. Page Charge
No. of pages 1-4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Member** ¥40,000 ¥50,000 ¥60,000 ¥70,000 ¥80,000 ¥90,000 ¥100,000
Non-member ¥50,000 ¥60,000 ¥70,000 ¥80,000 ¥90,000 ¥100,000 ¥110,000
* If paper’s corresponding author is the member of MRS-J, “Member charge” will be applied. The page charge for “Invited paper” is ¥40,000 up to 6 pages and the extra page is charged at ¥10,000 per page.
Table 2. Page Charge for recipient of “Award for Encouragement of Research in Materials Science”
No. of pages 1-4 5 6 7 8
Award recipient ¥25,000 ¥35,000 ¥45,000 ¥55,000 ¥65,000

Reprint Charge (optional)
This charge is optional. Reprint without cover sheet is shown in Table 3. For reprint with cover sheet, add ¥10,000 to the charge shown in Table 3. If color page(s) exit(s) and if you want to print the page(s) in color, ¥30,000 per color page should be added to the charge shown in Table 3.
Table 3.
No of pages 1-4 pages without
cover sheet
5-6 pages without
cover sheet
7-8 pages without
cover sheet
50 reprints ¥6,000. ¥8,000. ¥10,000.
100 reprints ¥10,000. ¥12,000. ¥14,000.
150 reprints ¥14,000. ¥16,000. ¥18,000.
200 reprints ¥18,000. ¥20,000. ¥22,000.
Color pages:Color page(s) in the paper will be printed as color page(s) in CD version of Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan regardless of color pages payment. In printed version of Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan, the color page(s) will be treated in two different ways. If additional ¥30,000/color page is paid, then the paper will be printed in color in printed version of Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan and in reprint. If additional ¥30,000/color page is not paid, the paper will be printed in black and white in printed version of Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan and in reprint,