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The 25th Annual Meeting of MRS-J Program List: Oral

E-1 : Innovative Material Technologies Utilizing Ion Beams

Entry No Keynote/
Presentation Date Time to
Time to
Award Presenter Name Affiliation Paper Title
Dec. 8
9:55 - 11:45
産業貿易センター/Room B (3F)
Industry & Trade Center / Room B (3F)
   Opening Dec. 8 09:55 10:00 雨倉 宏 Hiroshi AMEKURA 物材機構 Nat. Inst. Mater. Sci. (NIMS)
2281   Invited   E1-I8-001 Dec. 8 10:00 10:30 Atsushi KINOMURA Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University Analysis of vacancy-type defects in ion-irradiated materials using slow positron beams
2755     E1-O8-002 Dec. 8 10:30 10:45 Hiroshi ABE Quantum Beam Science Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency Vacancy-Induced "d0" Ferromagnetism in ZnO Revealed by a Spin-Polarized Positron Beam
2097   Invited   E1-I8-003 Dec. 8 10:45 11:15 Daryush ILA Fayetteville State University, USA Production of High Volume Fraction Quantum Dots by Ion Beam
2482   Invited   E1-I8-004 Dec. 8 11:15 11:45 *G Hongqing FENG Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong Plasma Modification and Functionalization of Biomaterials
Dec. 8
13:20 - 18:00
産業貿易センター/Room B (3F)
Industry & Trade Center / Room B (3F)
2014   Keynote   E1-K8-005 Dec. 8 13:20 14:00 Gikan TAKAOKA Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University Nanocluster Ions and Beam Techniques for Material Modification
2022   Invited   E1-I8-006 Dec. 8 14:00 14:30 R Mark BRADLEY Department of Physics, Colorado State University Exotic New Patterns, Terraced Topographies and Virtually Defect-Free Ripples Produced by Ion Sputtering
2881   Invited   E1-I8-007 Dec. 8 14:30 15:00 Tapobrata SOM SUNAG Laoratory, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar Surfing electron emitting sites on ion-beam fabricated self-organized Si nanofacets
2604     E1-O8-008 Dec. 8 15:00 15:15 *D Masakazu KUSAKARI Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University Surface and Interface analysis using Ambient SIMS with MeV-energy Heavy Ion Beam
2897     E1-O8-009 Dec. 8 15:15 15:30 *M Masahiro HAYASHI Graduate School of engineering, University of Hyogo Non-contact hardness evaluation of materials by means of craters formation with gas cluster ions
   Coffee Break Dec. 8 15:30 16:00
2037   Invited   E1-I8-010 Dec. 8 16:00 16:30 *G Xin OU State Key Laboratory of Functional Material for Informatics Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences Reverse epitaxy on semiconductor surfaces
2078   Invited   E1-I8-011 Dec. 8 16:30 17:00 *G Wataru KADA Gunma University Fabrication and in situ evaluation of integrated micro-optical devices by a focused proton microbeam technique
2177     E1-O8-012 Dec. 8 17:00 17:15 Hiroshi TSUJI Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Uniersity Evaluation of Ge Oxidation State in Ge Nanoparticles Formed in SiO2 by Negative-Ion Implantation and Successive Two-Stage Annealing
2200   Invited   E1-I8-013 Dec. 8 17:15 17:45 Junho CHOI The University of Tokyo UV Raman Study of a-C:H Films Deposited on Trench Sidewalls
2589     E1-O8-014 Dec. 8 17:45 18:00 *D Akm Saiful Islam BHUIAN Applied Quantum Physics & Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University Study on the evolution of dislocation loops in yttria stabilized cubic zirconia
   Break Dec. 8 18:00 19:00
   Meeting with Invited Speakers and Organizers Dec. 8 19:00 20:00
Dec. 9
13:00 - 16:50
産業貿易センター Room B (3F) / Industry & Trade Center Room B (3F)
高速重イオン照射特別セッション/Special Session for Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation
2094   Invited   E1-I9-001 Dec. 9 13:00 13:30 Yoshimichi OHKI Dept. EEBS and RIMST, Waseda University Ion-induced Changes in Refractive Index and Structure of Solid Dielectrics and Their Applications
2109     E1-O9-002 Dec. 9 13:30 13:45 Norito ISHIKAWA Japan Atomic Energy Agency Novel Method for Observing Hillocks Created for Ceramic Materials Irradiated with Swift Heavy Ions
2496     E1-O9-003 Dec. 9 13:45 14:00 Hiroshi AMEKURA Nat. Inst. for Mater. Sci. (NIMS) Shape Elongation of Embedded Metal Nanoparticles Induced by Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation
2256     E1-O9-004 Dec. 9 14:00 14:15 *M Hiroshi KOJIMA Department of Materials Science, Osaka Prefecture University Phase Transition of Ni3X(X=Al, Ti, V, Nb, Ta) Intermetallic Compounds Induced by Energetic Ion Beam
2248     E1-O9-005 Dec. 9 14:15 14:30 *M Hiroaki YOSHIZAKI Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University Use of Energetic Ion Irradiation and Subsequent Annealing at Elevated Temperatures for Mechanical Workability Control of Ni-based High Temperature Materials
2531     E1-O9-006 Dec. 9 14:30 14:45 *G Abdelhak CHETTAH LGMM Laboratory, Functional Materials Group, Université 20 Août 1955-Skikda, Algeria Inelastic thermal spike analysis of swift heavy ion induced mixing at metal/a-Ge interfaces
2226     E1-O9-007 Dec. 9 14:45 15:00 *M Yuki FUJIMURA Graduate School of engineering, Osaka Prefecture University Modification of mechanical, electric and magnetic properties of Cu and Cu-based alloys by means of energetic ion irradiation and implantation
   Coffee Break Dec. 9 15:00 15:30
2247     E1-O9-008 Dec. 9 15:30 15:45 *M Yuki YAMAMOTO Department of Materials Science, Osaka Prefecture University Change in the lattice structure and magnetic properties of heavy element oxides by high energy ion beam
2869     E1-O9-009 Dec. 9 15:45 16:00 *D Nunung NURYANTHI Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, The University of Tokyo/Quantum Beam Science Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency Fluence Evaluation of Large-Area Heavy Ion Beams in a High-Fluence Range
2508     E1-O9-010 Dec. 9 16:00 16:15 *M Ren MAYUMI Graduate school of engineering, Osaka Prefecture University Radiation enhanced precipitation of solute atoms in Al-based alloys - energetic ion irradiation experiment and computer simulation -
2725     E1-O9-011 Dec. 9 16:15 16:30 *M Kazuki KOBAYASHI Department of Materials Science, Osaka Prefecture University Swift heavy-ion irradiation induced softening and structure change for various compositional ZrCuAl bulk amorphous alloys
2279     E1-O9-012 Dec. 9 16:30 16:45 Hironao SAKAKI Japan Atomic Energy Agency KPSI Laser-driven heavy ion acceleration and its applications
   Closing Dec. 9 16:45 16:50 中尾節男 Setsuo NAKAO 産総研中部 AIST-Chubu