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The 26th Annual Meeting of MRS-J Program List: Oral

Creation and characterization of advanced materials through computer simulation

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Award Presenter Name Affiliation Paper Title
Dec. 19
9:30 - 12:00
波止場会館 大会議室 / Hatoba Kaikan, Meeting Room L
Chair :
上杉 徳照(大阪府立大学)
Tokuteru UESUGI ( Osaka Prefecture University )
2057   Invited   D4-I19-001 Dec. 19 09:30 10:10 *G Yu KUMAGAI Materials Research Center for Element Strategy, Tokyo Institute of Technology First-principles investigation of point defects in non-metallic materials
2109     D4-O19-002 Dec. 19 10:10 10:30 *G Yoyo HINUMA Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University/Center for Materials Research by Information Integration, National Institute for Materials Science Calculating binary oxide surface properties with a high-throughput procedure
   Coffee Break Dec. 19 10:30 10:40
Chair :
小谷 岳生(鳥取大学)
Takeo KOTANI (Tottori University)
2609   Invited   D4-I19-003 Dec. 19 10:40 11:20 Katsumi EIKYU Renesas Electronics Corp. Development of Semiconductor Power Devices and TCAD Utilization in Industries, the Outlook toward Novel Materials
2785     D4-O19-004 Dec. 19 11:20 11:40 Chikako YOSHIDA Fujitsu Ltd. Micromagnetic Simulation of Voltage-Assisted Unipolar Switching in Perpendicular Magnetic Tunnel Junction
2153     D4-O19-005 Dec. 19 11:40 12:00 *G Jun OTSUKA Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. Band structures for InAs/GaSb superlattices based on the quasiparticle self-consistent GW method
Dec. 19
15:30 - 18:30
波止場会館 大会議室 / Hatoba Kaikan, Meeting Room L
   Coffee Break Dec. 19 15:30 16:00
Chair :
熊谷 悠(東京工業大学)
Yu KUMAGAI (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
2368     D4-O19-006 Dec. 19 16:00 16:20 Atsushi TOGO Elements Strategy Initiative for Structure Materials (ESISM), Kyoto University/National Institute for Materials Science Applications of first-principles harmonic and anharmonic phonon calculations
2760     D4-O19-007 Dec. 19 16:20 16:40 *G Yoshiki UEOKA Graduate School of Engineering, University of Osaka New Method of Phonon Calculation: Direct Calculation using Effective Interaction between Electrons
2315     D4-O19-008 Dec. 19 16:40 17:00 *M Ryosuke ISHIMURA Department of Adaptive Machine Systems, Osaka University Systematic Studies of the Dominant Factors of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion in Silicides by ab initio Lattice Dynamics
2633     D4-O19-009 Dec. 19 17:00 17:20 Abhijit CHATTERJEE DASSAULT SYSTEMES BIOVIA Multi-scale simulation to rationale thermal conductivity for soft materials in context to material informatics
   Coffee Break Dec. 19 17:20 17:30
Chair :
東後 篤史(京都大学)
Atsushi TOGO (Kyoto University)
2310     D4-O19-010 Dec. 19 17:30 17:50 Wilfried WUNDELRICH Material Science Department, Tokai University Correlation of Segregation Energy for Ni and Fe with other Element Data
2325     D4-O19-011 Dec. 19 17:50 18:10 *G Yusuke NODA Materials research by Information Integration Initiative, National Institute for Materials Science Computational study of electrochemical stability and lithium-ion conduction in NASICON-type solid electrolyte
2552     D4-O19-012 Dec. 19 18:10 18:30 *G Hideki MORI Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Industrial Technology Analysis of dislocation core structure in Aluminum by neural network atomic potential
Dec. 20
9:30 - 12:00
万国橋会議センター 402号室 / Bankokubashi Kaigi Center, Room 402
Chair :
大場 史康(東京工業大学)
Fumiyasu OBA (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
2621   Invited   D4-I20-001 Dec. 20 09:30 10:10 Yoshinori SHIIHARA Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute Ab initio description of stress distribution in the vicinity of lattice defects
2171     D4-O20-002 Dec. 20 10:10 10:30 *M Makoto MURATA Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University Theoretical study on liquid phase structure in thermodynamically equilibrium state
   Coffee Break Dec. 20 10:30 10:40
Chair :
都留 智仁(日本原子力研究開発機構)
Tomohito TSURU (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
2118     D4-O20-003 Dec. 20 10:40 11:00 Masanori KOHYAMA National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Segregation of sp-Elements at Fe Grain Boundaries: Ab Initio Local-Energy Analysis
2509     D4-O20-004 Dec. 20 11:00 11:20 *M Hiroki FUJIWARA Department of Adaptive Machine Systems, Osaka University Micro-structure Analysis of Massive-like transformation from δ phase to γ phase in Carbon Steel by Using Phase Field Simulation
2300     D4-O20-005 Dec. 20 11:20 11:40 *M Yusuke AKADA Department of Adaptive Machine Systems, Osaka University Analyses of the Critical Factors in Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of complex oxides for Thermal Barrier Coating by First-Principles Calculations
2275     D4-O20-006 Dec. 20 11:40 12:00 Tomoyuki TAMURA Nagoya Institute of Technology First-principles XANES simulation for Ti doped to glass materials
Dec. 20
13:00 - 18:00
万国橋会議センター 402号室 / Bankokubashi Kaigi Center, Room 402
Chair :
弓削 是貴(京都大学)
Koretaka YUGE (Kyoto University)
2077   Invited   D4-I20-007 Dec. 20 13:00 13:40 *G Tomohito TSURU Nuclear Science and Engineering Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency/ Elements Strategy Initiative for Structural Materials, Kyoto University Effects of alloying elements on deformation and fracture: First-principles approach to element strategy
2123     D4-O20-008 Dec. 20 13:40 14:00 *D Kazuhito TAKEUCHI Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University A new automatical method to construct phase diagrams for multicomponent alloys
2299     D4-O20-009 Dec. 20 14:00 14:20 *D Yuya YAMAMOTO Graduate School of Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology Determination Method of Interatomic Potential for Alkali Silicate Glass Simulations
   Coffee Break Dec. 20 14:20 14:30
Chair :
レービガー ハンネス (横浜国立大学)
Hannes RAEBINGER (Yokohama National University)
2835   Invited   D4-I20-010 Dec. 20 14:30 15:10 Minoru OTANI National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Recent progress in the first-principles simulation of electrochemical interfaces
2779     D4-O20-011 Dec. 20 15:10 15:30 *G Takafumi OGAWA Nanostructures Research Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center Defect Chemistry in Pyrochlore-type Yttrium Titanate at High Temperature
2743     D4-O20-012 Dec. 20 15:30 15:50 *M Takuya NAKAO Laboratory for Materials and Structures, Tokyo Institute of Technology Theoretical and experimental study on the indicator for the control of Ru particle sizes on supports
   Coffee Break Dec. 20 15:50 16:00
Chair :
田村 友幸(名古屋工業大学)
Tomoyuki TAMURA (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
2791     D4-O20-013 Dec. 20 16:00 16:20 *G Hidekazu TOMONO IHI Corporation Si-clathrate for Catalyst Support by First Principles Calculation and Experimental Study
2507     D4-O20-014 Dec. 20 16:20 16:40 *D Daisuke YOSHIDA Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University The mechanism of stabilization for covalent bonding in diatomic molecules
2295     D4-O20-015 Dec. 20 16:40 17:00 *G Hirofumi AKAMATSU Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology Exploration of 180° Ferroelectric Domain Wall Motion Pathways in PbTiO3 Based on Representation Theory and First-Principles Calculations
Chair :
フィッシャー クレイグ(ファインセラミックスセンター)
2106     D4-O20-016 Dec. 20 17:00 17:20 *M Hisashi MIYAZONO Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University Thermodynamic stability of a long-period stacking ordered structure based on first-principles
2465     D4-O20-017 Dec. 20 17:20 17:40 *M Ryuichi ARAKAWA Nagoya Institute of Technology Machine learning based prediction of grain-boundary properties
2837     D4-O20-018 Dec. 20 17:40 18:00 *M Kou HARADA Laboratory for Materials and Structures, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology Native Point Defects and Impurities in Copper Nitride: A First-Principles Study