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第30回日本MRS年次大会 プログラムリスト: Poster

C:Function Harmonized Materials - Focused on Interfaces and grain-boundaries of Thin Films and Nanocomposites

C:Function Harmonized Materials - Focused on Interfaces and grain-boundaries of Thin Films and Nanocomposites

Entry No Presentation Date Award Presentation
Dec. 9
17:00 - 17:50
Chair :
Paolo MELE (Shibaura Inst. Tech.) and Satoru KANEKO (KISTEC)
2515   C-P9-001 Dec. 9  Fabrication of EuF2 and EuO epitaxial thin films using anion-conducting substrates
Fabrication of EuF2 and EuO epitaxial thin films using anion-conducting substrates

戴 欣1),小松 遊矢1),清水 亮太1,2),一杉 太郎1)(1)東京工業大学,2) JSTさきがけ)

Xin DAI1),Yuya KOMATSU1),Ryota SHIMIZU1,2),Taro HITOSUGI1)(1)Tokyo Institute of Technology,2)JST-PRESTO)