Symposia & Program

A : Unconventional physical properties generated from spin textures and its applications


Prof. Masahiro NAGAO Nagoya University
Prof. Masahiro NAGAO Nagoya University
Prof. Hiroyuki YOSHIDA Hokkaido University
Prof. Yoshihiro TSUJIMOTO NIMS
Prof. Kazunari YAMAURA NIMS


In magnetic materials, spin as an electron degree of freedom generates a variety of physical properties by competing and concerting with charge and orbital, which have fascinated physicists. Recently, unconventional spin states such as noncoplanar spin structures and quantum spin liquid states have been attracted interest beyond the well-known ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic states. Formation of such spin states is caused by strong spin-orbit coupling and leads to the emergence of unconventional physical properties such as topological quantum physics and magnetoelectric effect. These unconventional physical properties are important for not only fundamental science but also device applications. Indeed, research and development for the realization of low-power-consumption memory, quantum and probabilistic computing devices have been accelerated. In this symposium, we intensively discussed the recent progress about the characterization of the unconventional spin states and the related emergent properties, the new materials searching, and the development of the magnetic properties for the realization of new devices.


1. Magnetic materials including transition metal element
2. Unusual properties from spin frustration
3. Topological spin textures and quantum spin liquid state induced by strong spin-orbit coupling
4. Spintronics based on new spin structures
5. Characterization of magnetic properties